
a) To model climatic and coastal changes for Yucatan coastlines b) To develop decision aids to support coastal system management actions c) To determine the feasibility of potential mitigation measures for addressing present and future problems (e.g., inlets, geotubes, etc.) d) Suggest the necessary critical path to study the coastal systems and the way they are affected by natural and anthropic disturbances

Why is this project relevant?

  • Yucatán wetlands are degraded, due to high salinity; sea level rise and climate alter them
  • Healthy wetlands support the economy (fishing industry, salt production, eco-tourism, health-mosquitos)

Scientific Merit

  • Develop a strategy to increase wetland production, by modifying salinity and barriers to flow/inlets and planning for climate change
  • Spatial and hydrological modeling will be used to identify SEDUMA management actions

Binational Target Problems


  • Biophysical and hydrological model
  • Map of inlets/barriers to fix, and cost/benefit analysis for each
  • Action plan given to SEDUMA, SEDER, SAGARPA, CONAPESCA
  • Tier II grant submission to regional CONACyT and NSF-International office